Or TTS Pro voices The maps in this download are newer, they are the latest 2011 R18 Aus maps while the previous 1.1 version was R17. Be aware that the other torrent download does not have all the latest Australian content, maps etc.

TTS has multiple advantages over the standard voice system offered in Primo navigation system. It makes routing more pleasant and accurate. How to install TTS voice on iGO Primo Android 2017 If you’ve got iGO Primo software installed on your phone or Android tablet, then the TTS voice add-on is definitely a comfortable addition to the program.Can anyone edit this config please to use Samanta (dri40155mrf2222) And please indicate also the new name of the zip file. Igo Primo Tts Pro Voice Download It From I installed the Nua Vocalizer TTS with Samantha, now I am stuck on how do I tell iGo Maps to use Samantha.IGo Meed help installing TTS igo primo 2.4 on Android If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. All VocalizerEx TTS Pro voice pack Here is an English(United States) voice pack using VocalizerEx (formerly Nuance) for Android.