You can also duplicate one of the many premade json files, then modify it (The recommended way). The mod is being worked on by XDefault and DarkSignal.
Change the way you play Arena mode and Story mode by altering the global parameters of the levels themselves: Music? Story Characters? Arena gains? Arena Origins? Arena Enemies? You know it!. Remix existing assets to add your very own through the ease of JSON! Our thoughtfully provided catalog of available assets and API Docs guarantee you full control over every facet of customization!. Alter your own character in runtime using the built in character mod menu! Change facets about yourself you never thought possible!. Enable cheats with a simple mod menu! God mode? Skip level? Infinite ammo? turn everyone into Hank? Spawn an army of Grunts? Got it!.
All of the features below are optional and you can turn them on/off at will.
You can configure options in the config.json file located in your Custom Stuff folder.
Not Enough Madness is an unofficial MADNESS: Project Nexus mod adding many fun features such as: